Saturday, March 30, 2024

Size and Colour DO matter!

"Were you ever told you shouldn't wear such and such a colour, because "well quite frankly dear, you're too fat!"

Or have you been told that because you're a size 20 then why do you expect to be able to buy a choice of clothes that fit you?

These comments have been made to me, and about me, too often.

I used to feel miserable because I couldn't buy anything to fit, and as for expecting to get anything sexy or colourful, well forget it, sister.

Over the years too I've managed to read some excellent books by women from around the world on how to increase self esteem, and many of them even gave examples of how I could dress to make the most of myself. For others, there's no doubt these books would have achieved what they set out to do. But for some reason they didn't work for me.

My cousin in South Australia sent me an old copy of an Australian newsletter dealing with plus-size self esteem issues. This newsletter presented news and advice on how to increase knowledge about yourself and knowledge of where to buy larger size clothes here in Australia. There's a lot available overseas, but we can't all afford to buy from overseas. And there's a lot of confusion about the safety/security of buying from places like eBay.

For some reason I kept that small newsletter. I put it away in my small bedside table drawer, and forgot about it.

Until. My partner walked out on me. I was plus-size when we met, and I hadn't gained weight all the time we were together. But suddenly I was thrown into turmoil and had to clean out the flat we had shared for more than 8 years. I had to face the fact he no longer saw me as someone he'd like to spend his life with. 

Added to that of course I started along the route of self pity and self hate - if I wasn't so fat he wouldn't have left me - if I wasn't so fat he would still love me - if I wasn't so fat ..... Maybe if I lost the weight he'd come back. He won't, whatever I do. And quite honestly I don't want him to cme back, now!

I cleaned up the flat. I packed my cases and with a few small items of furniture I moved into a flat I could call my own. And one evening while feeling really sorry for myself, I rummaged through the bedside table looking for perhaps a block of chocolate that maybe I'd hidden there, and I pulled out that old newsletter.

I couldn't believe it. It was opened at a small article written by the editor to some of her friends who had all, without exception, experienced the same thing as I had. Their husbands/partners had recently walked out.

And this small article went on to say we should never, ever, tell ourselves that it was because we were fat that this had happened; because these relationships would probably have broken down even if we were slender like Elle McPherson or Jennifer Hawkins (not too sure if we even have leading Australian models anymore!)

If it was because we were fat, then why didn't the same thing occur with men? Women don't usually leave their husbands because they get fat, or get thin. The reason is usually much deeper than that.

You know, I needed to re-read that article. I needed to be told that I was me, and that I was important, if not to somebody else at the time, then definitely to me.

So I took the next step. I looked at my size and decided I WOULD wear colours that I wanted to.   If those particular colours didn't suit me, my own reflection in the mirror would soon tell me.   I would search for clothes to make me feel good about myself. If I couldn't buy them anywhere, I'd sew them for myself

I decided I would turn the world around, so that MY size and colour WILL MATTER. What have I learned from all this? I've learned that I matter - to myself.

And as a footnote I'd like to say I've come to realise I am just like thousands of other women. The fact that I'm bigger than "ideal" has nothing to do with me, as a person."

© Autumn Parry - Big Issues


NoteBook Logo 2006

 © 1994 Rosemary Parry-Brock Davidson

the uniquely original Australian self-esteem initiative for the curvaceous woman –
 in fact all women, regardless of age, shape and size

OUR MOTTO?   “womanhood should be celebrated – in style – no matter what age, shape or size”©

RoseMary’s NoteBook© began its life in Australia more than thirty-three years ago in response to pleas from professional women in the workplace for a newsletter with a positive message. At that time there were no newsletters other than in-house publications, and of course the internet and emails were a thing of the future! So the NoteBook© as it is fondly known grew out of a need to bring women together through the pages of a newsletter that was outside of the national magazines, but through which they could feel a part of, as it grew and developed over the years.

As many of my administration colleagues throughout Australia were women size 16 plus!, they in turn asked that issues that impacted upon their lives should be confronted in the newsletter. Thus a focus began to appear where women of size were able to communicate their concerns dealing with especially discrimination. They shared their copies of the newsletter with their friends and families. Quite often their copy became dog-eared as it was shared around the workplace and even sent overseas.

It seemed natural that the newsletter should take on the role of acting as an advocate for larger women, in an era where there was no other publication of its kind in Australia that provided positive self-esteem initiatives. RoseMary’s NoteBook© continues to provide this incentive to this day.

However with its aim to “inspire women of all ages to look beyond their shape and size, and to realise their full potential” (c) it then took on new elements, as women of all ages, shapes and sizes from all walks of life discovered that the “notebook” related to them and their daily lives. What started out as a small one page newsletter grew to sometimes 100 pages which meant it could no longer fit into the post-boxes of our readers. Because RoseMary’s NoteBook© has always been a personal project without sponsorship of any sort, the costs involved in ensuring its continuation meant that it became unfeasible and unmanageable to remain as a paper-based publication.

Modern times call for modern thinking. After surveying readers, it became apparent they would prefer eNewsletters sent as pdfs through emails. Having adapted to that concept early in 2005 we found this remained the most favoured and popular method of distribution. However it became obvious that the NoteBook had to have an on-line presence. The reaction of many readers was surprising in that they didn’t want to go on-line to read their newsletter each month. They preferred their copy via email, but not online. Other women embraced the idea without hesitation.

I therefore decided to expand the potential of RoseMary’s NoteBook© by creating its own blog. This allows me to run two parts of the concept in parallel – one on-line as the blog which is completely different to the second option newsletter sent by email format which continues to this day.


In a world besotted with “perfection”, there remain today hundreds of thousands of women who feel they don’t meet the “ideal” set by the media (particularly "social media"), the fashion industry and society itself in many instances. The team at RoseMary's NoteBook© believe in our small way, we can make a difference to the lives of many women who lack self-confidence. Testimonials from women around the world verify to the fact that our small publications over the past thirty odd years have improved their self-confidence and impacted positively upon their lives.

The original concept, aims and objectives of inspiring women to look beyond their shape and size, in order to realise their full potential, remains exactly the same today as it was when we first started this journey. Our eNewsletters (and other publications) present “positive” messages in a negative world.

This newsletter forms part of the concept of RoseMary’s NoteBook©, including newsletters & other booklets & publications dealing with motivational short courses for women of all ages & all shapes and sizes.

RoseMary’s NoteBook© continues to break down antiquated attitudes about size & inspires women to look at themselves as healthy sensual women rather than that of being merely “plus- size” or “too thin”.

During the past 20 years or more, and with the advance in technology whereby information is more easily accessible and shareable, many hundreds (if not thousands) of women of like mind have created their own websites, blogs and forums.

Everyone associated with RoseMary’s NoteBook© (women who participate in a variety of ways) has great empathy and a capacity for understanding issues that impact upon women’s lives in today’s world. 
With strong Christian ethics and principles, we believe all women deserve to be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy In fact we go so far as to say that “womanhood should be celebrated – in style – no matter what age, shape or size”©.

UPDATE:   Due to increased fascination with the core elements of RoseMary's NoteBook© in recent times, I decided to update the Background of my publications, so that new readers can grasp the ideas behind the concept.

Postscript:    "Perfection" in the human form is not really attainable - 
for one person's idea of perfection is not necessarily that of others.
We all aim to be respected, appreciated, complimented,
held in high regard, and treated with kindness. 

A person's looks, size, weight, shape 
should never be the subject of: 
discourteous /insulting/abusive humour
 or behaviour on the part of others.

Monday, March 6, 2023

LARGE, but in CHARGE© - Introduction


My crusade to inspire plus size women to see themselves differently from the perceptions of other people’s inappropriate attitudes started out in a very small way. The year was 1994.  As so often happens with crusades it soon became a passion and grew beyond my wildest dreams.      

It came as somewhat a surprise to me to learn that women everywhere found my small publications, e-newsletters and websites, appealing. Something I said struck a chord with them.   Because of a number of things such as age, size, shape, weight, even looks, they too had suffered discrimination.  This behaviour on the part of other people can have such an influence on our lives, that we begin to believe what we are told.   “You’re unacceptable”.   People with probably but not necessarily good intentions and people who wanted to exploit us, all gave us the same advice.   

You’ve got to lose weight, become more like us, dress like us, do as we do, and even consider cosmetic surgery like us, to be accepted (by us).

The funny thing though is that they are never satisfied with how slim they are, how well they dress, or how they look.   If they’re so besotted with looks and slimness that they’ll go overboard in an attempt to achieve the impossible, where does that leave us?  Where we are right now - unacceptable in their sight!   So why get stuck on the same merry-go-round as they are?   And let me say here, it is most definitely NOT a merry-go-round.  It’s a never ending battle with ourselves to become someone and something that we are not.

As I “matured” (what a lovely word that is - makes you think of top-of-the-range cheese and the best and most expensive wine!), I realised I’d never fit in with THEIR ideas of perfection.   I wasted my time trying to fit in with THEIR perception of who I should be.   Their opinion was that I should have no say in the matter and I should conform to THEIR demands without question.   

If I met their demands I knew I would lose all my independence and become a puppet never to again have control of my life. 

I then had a brilliant flash of revelation.   If I didn’t want to conform to THEIR ideals, then why not learn to like and ultimately to accept myself as I am?  This meant I was no longer subjected to turning myself inside out trying to please everybody else and never pleasing me!

I’ve seen too many women suffer the stings and barbs of inappropriate words and actions by other people;  all based on size and looks.   If you wonder why I focus my newsletters and booklets on women then my answer is simple.   Because I am a woman I can speak from personal experience.  Furthermore it is from speaking with women that I know my experiences are not isolated.   More often than not it’s mainly women who are the target of unrelenting persuasion to lose weight; to be as lovely and seductive as the latest model/actress favourite and to look as young as a 20 year old.    What is interesting and quite confusing however is to find how many modern men are now being pressured (are they really enjoying it?) into the use of makeup, cosmetics, body beautifying therapies and cosmetic surgery.   Will they in time become more beautiful and attain the looks of young women while young women increasingly want to take on the skinny prepubescent young boy look?   What is going on?

It’s an unspoken law that men growing older are seen to be attractive while a woman growing older is seen to be worn-out and a has-been.  There are inferences and innuendoes that she hasn’t taken care of herself or her body, and therefore she deserves all the criticism thrown at her.  The fact that she embodies womanhood through all its stages is lost in the mist of unreality.    This unreality is taken to extremes and should be curbed.   

Whether you agree with me or not when it comes to disliking our looks, shape and size, men are not our main enemy even though the media would have us believe it. Of course the fashion gurus who happen to be male don’t help the situation one little bit but we already know that.   However, based on my personal life-experiences, I’ve come to realise that it is other women who cause us more distress than men.   When someone - anyone - makes fun of us or causes us embarrassment based on their disparaging remarks, then we come to think of ourselves as being worthless and too often, we begin to lose whatever self-esteem we may have ever had.  It is disturbing to realise our greatest adversaries are women - sometimes staff at boutiques and stores, sometimes our friends, sometimes our neighbours, sometimes even our family who try to convince us that we’re letting the team down and not “conforming”. They seem to delight in tearing us down and scratching out not only our eyes but stripping us bare of any dignity we may have.

Why?   Are they so competitive and so unsure of themselves that they have to go out of their way to prove they’re superior to us?    Do they hate us so much?   If you listen to their arguments you could be forgiven for thinking their dislike of us is well-deserved.    We just won’t take their advice and fit in with their plans and demands.

When I first wrote this booklet - Large, but in Charge©,  (back in 2005 would you believe?), we did not have what is known as “social media”.   Women (and I guess men too) have taken to this media with the greatest of enthusiasm, and I still find it hard to comprehend the depth of belief readers have on what they read on Facebook and others.  I admit there is a lot of truth shared via this form of media, but by the same token there is a lot of unsubstantiated truth.   People now get away with “tearing” another person’s reputation not to mention their life and their looks and their beliefs.  Anger so hot that it represents a form of hatred about other people comes through in the words expressed in many Facebook posts. Many professional women journalists and reporters have deleted their FaceBook and Instagram accounts due to this vitriolic stream of abuse.   Good manners and etiquette and politeness appear to have almost disappeared in our society.   So it is up to us to deal with it the best way we can and the best we can is to believe in ourselves.

My argument against these people’s dislike is that I have a right to decide what is best for me.  I’ve come to realise “attitude” is what it’s all about.  You either have a good attitude about yourself, or you don’t. It’s not easy to change years of negative thinking, but it can be done, if you really want it to.    

Coupled with attitude I would say both a sense of humour and common sense are also important.   Why do we waste time in doing things to our mind and to our body which in the long run won’t work, or won’t last?   

Let’s find the inner child within us, and let her grow as she is meant to grow.  Into a beautiful, self confident, good natured, well mannered woman.   Whether she is clothed in a well-endowed curvy body or whether she is naturally slim and svelte surely shouldn’t matter?   

No two women are identical.   We’re different.   The differences between us should draw us together not tear us apart.    We are unique beings, formed by the God of creation.   Yes, we’re different but we’re the same.  We are sisters.  

Our experiences and observations of life can be the difference between having no self-esteem or a healthy and happy life built upon self-confidence.   

Maybe our experiences can even impact favourably upon the lives of other women who hear and read our stories.

Copyright © 2005/2023 Rosemary Parry-Brock Davidson

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any 

means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, scanning, recording,

 USB, CD or DVD or otherwise, without the prior written permission 

of the author.   

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Song of the Ocean

 Song of the Ocean:     

“Moon on a canvas sail, such a beautiful sight;  

Lost on a star-dust trail, on a mystical night

Wash of a million waves, calling to me;  

deep in my soul I can hear,   

The Song of the Ocean. “


I had been wondering what to put as y subject matter for this post and of course I chose the Song of the Ocean.  I'd been listening to the Charlie Landsborough rendition of this song, and found it hantingly beautiful.   

 Settling down after dinner I picked up my book to continue reading and this is what I found:

They sat in contented silence for a while, sunset lit the ocean, a spreading stain of liquid gold.  The sky glowed fierce fiery orange and pink streaked with purple, while restful blue stole down softly from the east, lighting the little stars one by one.   Billy felt lulled by the rhythmic thunder of the waves buffeting the rocks below like a mother’s heartbeat.   

Slowly the sea deepened to indigo and the sky to black, and the lighthouse on the small rocky islet a league offshore sent its beam sweeping out over the water and the rocks where the seals snuggled down for the night.”

I hope you, like me, am able to visualise the scene described.  The moods, the colours, the textures, and the infinite wonder of nature. 

Having left my book to give you the opportunity of sharing that lovely excerpt, I am now intending to fold myself up into my favourite chair and lose myself in my book again. 

'til next time

Saturday, November 5, 2022


Early in 2020 as news of the Covid Pandemic hit the headlines around the world, many people thought it was merely a hiccough in the evolution of "normal" every-day life.   How often people said the words, "won't it be good to get back to normal?"  This was most certainly said here in Australia.                                                           

It soon became obvious that this was not to be the case, as the world and we as individuals had to learn to cope with increasing stresses and anxiety.   Those who had lived through the years of the Second World War, as well as the following decades, in the main, settled down to following daily reports relevant to their own cities and countries health situations;   taking note of scientific and epidemiology advice and following instructions on how to look after themselves and their families, neithbours and friends, by following the restrictions and rules laid down by the health authorities of that jurisdiction.  We learned to regularly wash and sanitise hands, to keep physical distance from everyone else, and to wear masks.Vaccinations were then trialed and marketed.  

Vaccination clinics and hubs opened;  and people queued to receive their first and second vaccinations.   Now there is the suggestion that especially vulnerable people (the disabled, the aging and frail, and those with multiple health issues) should prepare and book for a booster. 

So matters of every-day living prior to the arrival of Covid became almost a memory.   Things we took for granted - going to the cinema; going shopping for retail thereapy; meeting with family and friends; going for a picnic; dancing; concerts, stage shows, attending weddings; celebrating christenings; visiting older people in aged care; visiting family and friends in hospital; having elective surgery, going out to a meal as often as we could (or that we could afford!), suddenly ceased and we have been left bewildered.  

Children have not been able to attend school;  families have been unable to visit loved ones.   Curfews stopped a lot of population movement, and city residents were unable to visit other regional and interstate areas, so travelling came to a standstill.  

While there was, and remains, an element of people who have become angry about all these changes, there are others who have expressed their care and kindness in myriads of ways.   Family members initiating schedules to ensure at least one member speaks on the tephone to a loved one at least once every day. (On the other hand, many lonely people in our society never hear from their families at any time.)   Small groups of volunteers deliverying food and essential goods;  people buying extra in their weekly supermarket shop - (not to store in the cupboard, but to literally give to their neighbours!).  Church services made available online.   Drs and Specialists providing telephone consultations.   

Agencies manned by volunteers working from home, telephoning lonely people just to make sure they're OK.

These kindnesses continued during and between the Lockdowns (we've just come out of our sixth) showing that the changes to life-style wrought by the Pandemic has brought out the best (and in some cases) the worst of human behaviour.

YET ........  hasn't it always been the case throughout history?  That life-style is not a happy story-book all the time.  There are difficulties, there are challenges, there are hurdles to jump or to climb around;  there are problems, there are natural disasters;  there are tragedies told and untold.   Wars, and pandemics.   Poverty and starvation.  Homelessness and Statelessness.

                                                Humankind is resilient, for it has been created so.

                                                      And the history books and the memories 

                                                  of generations of families confirm that this is so. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


It's incredible how quickly time passes.    2020 and here in 2021, here in Melbourne (Victoria) Australia, we are in Lockdown again.   Our Sixth Lockdown!   So what does a "lady" do with her time?

Well, for an ageing gracefully (or outrageously!) lady, it's a matter of perspective.   Attitude comes into it as well.   No sense in becoming bored or cantakerous although I've been known to take on this attribute at times.  No , it's a matter of doing what I've always done since I began my years in building up my "career".   I've always been a "list-maker".   Pen and paper accompany me at all times.    It's also essential to remain focussed, to have a sense of humour and a determination often described as being single-minded.

It's also essential that the lists I make come into fruition.   If not, I disregard that particular note and get on with other things.   Just as important things, that is.

So with that, and with the re-introduction of my posts I apologise for taking so long since my previous thoughts.   You'd think my excuse would be I'd been too busy, but sadly no.   But I've done a heck of a lot of reading!!!  

The other thing I've been doing over the past couple of years is also taking photos.  Well, doesn't everyone?  Especially if you have a smart phone of whatever brand.   But I enjoy it, and it's been something that's kept me occupied especially during our lockdowns.  So don't be surprised to see lots of photos of flowers and plants.   Mind you, I guess if I looked around the internet I'd see that thousands of other people are doing the same thing.  But I figure that this blog has always been about adjusting to life as it is, not as we would like it.    So flowers it is, folks.  


As you can tell I love looking at the textures amd many hidden mysteries within the natural world around us.   Of course we're unable to venture too far out of our local area - 5 kms at the most - but it's quite amazing what one can find.

So let me leave this post with this quotation:  

"Flowers always make people better, 
happier, and more helpful; 
they are sunshine, 
food and medicine for the soul."

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Tuesday, 2nd June.

WINTER has officially arrived here in Melbourne. Low temperatures, grey skies with very low clouds, and a slight drizzle of rain. Yesterday I decided it was necessary (indeed imperative) that I sort through my thicker warmer knitted garments, bringing them to the front of my wardrobe. As is usual, I found two or three sweaters and T- shirts I’d forgotten I had, and I had just been about ready to buy some more on-line. Now I don’t need to, so I’ve saved some money in the process of tidying up my wardrobe! I also found a few new summer tops I’d purchased last year, but hadn’t worn nor had I chosen to wear this year, so my girl- friend (and she knows who she is!!!!) is going to gain a few she and her daughter may like.

IT’S DURING THIS “SEASON” OF ISOLATION, that my thoughts readily go to women who live apart from their families, and more specifically those whose families are no longer close to them - in emotional terms. Growing older (and in turn “feeling old”), living alone, and being dismissed by the people they love, this Isolation has taken a battering on their feelings. Feelings of worth, of value, of importance. When one takes this Pandemic into account, those feelings sometimes become shattering.

So it’s essential that women who are “alone”and more-so during this time of lock-down and restrictions insofar as not being able to meet up with friends and going to places outdoors as well as shopping (even if only window-shopping), take time to reflect just who they are exactly, and to recall all the things they have done in the past. Not only for themselves, but for others, too. To remember and get to know the person they’ve always been, and realise even if their family or certain friends no longer maintain any contact with them, that they are extremely important to themselves. Important enough to cope with the constant changes that are occurring around them, and to adapt to the best of their ability, especially taking into account the isolation.  It is imperative they continue to hold their heads high and to be grateful and proud of just who and what they are. They’ve got plenty of experience, and that life-experience is invaluable.

A couple of my friends this week during our telephone catch-up, mentioned this very subject. I know as one grows older, when friends drift away and families have their own responsibilities and no longer “have the time” for their elders, it is very easy to become the shy and unsure person they used to be when they were children. Too easy to be told one should focus on the here and now and not allow earlier feelings of unworthiness, of incapability to perform certain things, to be strong and always put others first, to come into a person’s daily thoughts. It comes down to how we feel about ourselves, and how comfortable we are in being who we are and what we are. Knowing we’ve always done (or tried to do) the best we could for others in the past. We’ve worked through many difficulties, physical as well as emotional, and we’re proud people!

And don’t forget, there are many other women out there who feel the same way, and it’s up to each of us to take their feelings into consideration, and to pick up the phone, or to write them a short letter just reminding them of THEIR importance too!

**  As with my readers, I am well aware that in 2020 and in these times of pandemic, there are women of all ages, who have no home, no roof over their heads, no money, no food, no blankets, no warm clothing. Women who through no fault of their own no longer have the advantages of even a small room. They’d love the opportunity of even having a telephone to ring their friends, if they have any, that is! What can we do to ease their suffering?  Older women cast out by society and having to overcome the risks involved in living in cars, or finding a spot to hide in.  I also think of the work our wonderful volunteers of all ages readily do in going beyond their personal safety boundaries caused by social distancing, every night to adminsiter their caring sharing to all the people out there living on the streets.   These people too deserve thanks and support (moral, prayer and/or small donations to worthy welfare agencies, whether financial or practical.)   

WOMEN HAVE TRAVELLED SOME INTERESTING, INCREDIBLE, DIFFICULT, EXCITING, FULFILLING JOURNEYS. We’ve accepted and taken full responsibility for our actions, our behaviours and our dreams (even when those have not met with approval by others or never come to fruition.)      Many of us have been trodden on, walked over, ignored, used and abused.
But as Helen Reddy sang:

I am woman, hear me roar

In numbers too big to ignore 
And I know too much to go back and pretend

‘Cause I’ve heard it all before 
And I’ve been done there on the floor 
No one’s ever gonna keep me down again.

Oh yes, I am wise

But it’s wisdom born of pain 

Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I gained 
If I have to, I can do anything 
I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman.

You can bend but never break me 
‘Cause it only serves to make me 
More determined to achieve my final goal
And I’ll come back even stronger 
Not a novice any longer 
‘Cause you’ve deepened the conviction in my soul.

I am woman watch me grow

See me standing toe to toe

As I spread my loving arms across the land
But I’m still an embryo
With a long, long way to go 

Until I make my brothers understand.

Oh yes, I am wise

But it’s wisdom born of pain 

Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I gained 
If I have to, I can face anything 
I am strong, I am invincible,

I am woman.


Friday, 5th June.

The will of an unseen and irresponsible virus, pitted against the will of determination and discipline of men and women and children. The pressures put upon our brothers and sisters (and children) is intense. Unemployment; how to pay the mort- gage; home tutoring; how to provide for the family; the uncertainty of the times.

And we come back the constant need for KINDNESS and A CARING HEART. For no one knows what this virus is, no one knows how it came into being, no one knows how long we will need to adapt knowing it’s around us, ready to strike. For there have been any epidemics even pandemics in earlier times, although the statistics of such events is really unknown for the simple reason the peoples of those times did not realise the importance of keeping figures or numbers and communications were nothing like we have today.

And here we are, we’ve followed the suggestions and instructions by our Health Departments to the best of our abilities. We’ve adapted to the restrictions and while other countries are coming “out” of similar restrictions, there’s still the concern that while this virus may be dormant (sleeping) in those places, it may nevertheless still be present.

So we have to be watchful, we have to be alert, we have to care for one another, we have to show kindness to one another. We also have to be personally careful, and to be aware of our own personal health and the responsibilities we have to ourselves.

Again this morning I’m sitting at my computer, and lifting my eyes I am confronted with a bright blue sky. Hmm. Nice and early and I can’t see anyone else around outside, although with the roads through the village,  residents are able to continue walking as their exercise each day. Time for a quick “scoot” around the village, to take in some fresh air, and to be refreshed, ready to get stuck into what tidying up I need to do around my room.

I’m an avid collector of documents and papers. Great lever-arch files containing all the “important” things, which in the scheme of things are perhaps not!  Yet I have to admit I’m never sure about these papers and documents - they seem to have a life of their own. I place them in neat piles ready to be filed away, only to find to my dismay that they “breed” overnight. Honestly, and I can’t keep up with them! So what I have to do is to maintain control of them. Go through them, sort them, throw out what I don’t really need, and then immediately file those I want to keep. Not put it off until later. So here goes ......

In the meantime, God Bless you one and all, without exception.



I’d finished up my newsletter, rugged myself up and took myself for a “scoot” around the village. It was 5 degrees. I sat in a small secluded spot, reading, when my eyes lifted to see a special little visitor. Because the surroundings were dark, this young Australian magpie had stopped in a tiny spot of sunshine. Only a few steps away from me, this little fellow (who knows it may have been a lass) absorbed the weak sunshine, and then came nearer to me. How does one talk to a magpie, without it flying madly away? Well, Dr Doolittle succeeded, and Rosemary did her best to pacify the little bird, and to make soft noises that would satisfy it, so it would not be frightened by a human, being so close.      

You see, my Great Aunt back in the 1940s had a pet magpie, and I was given lessons by her, as to how to allow them to approach her. So I did what Great-Aunt showed me. And I had a magical ten minutes with a beautiful magpie. There’s nothing quite like being permitted to go close to a native animal or bird. It’s like an invitation to share their space, and I can only use the word “magical”, for that’s what it is                                       ...... Rosemary

Sunday, June 7, 2020


 Hello dear friends,

The days are filled with great lumps of looking out of the window and not looking out of the window, it seems.  Yet when I find the clock nears lunch time (how does IT know, when I hadn’t given it a thought before hand?), I hop up from my chair in readiness to find something to snack on.

This morning I’ve tided my room, watched the news, then “Songs of Praise” on the ABC, read a few (well more than that if I’m honest!) chapters of my book, done a bit of work on the computer, read some great emails from my friends both here in Australia as well as overseas, made a phone call or two.  Then I wandered out of my room to check my garden patch which sits immediately outside my door but still within the building, in which I have a beautiful indoor plant that has gone wild and then wandered back in.   So when I checked my watch two minutes ago I realised it was “Lunch time” - hooray!  

It’s 12 degrees here - quite a nice temperature for us at this Season.  So I’ll warm up some beautiful pumpkin soup made by my friend Rosie (no, that’s not me, but my true friend Rosie!), and with a slice of toast, and a cup of Lemon & Ginger Tea for lunch, I’ll be ready for what the afternoon brings.   Even though I’m in “isolation”. 

Some people have all the fun, don’t they?   Me included.  For it’s how we look at things I’ve come to realise over the years that is very important to how we feel about ourselves.  Two sides of a coin was the old saying, and it sure is.  It’s either heads or tails, and quick frankly I rather the heads.   Lifting the head your eyes can take in the world around you.  Tails of course, you’re looking at the other end of things!   Don’t let me start on explaining my weird sense of humour, because I’ll confuse you even more.

Anyway, friends, it’s Sunday, and I decided to do a small “scoot” around the village.  That’s on my scooter, not jogging!   Coming home I stopped and looked up into the sky, where I saw a beautiful cloud tipped with the colours of the setting sun.  Turning the corner I espied a beautiful Autumn tree which because of it's placement, still has all its leaves.  Most of the other larger trees are now bare. 

Now, I’m taking things easy. About to sit in my favourite chair and my book (of course!).   Please take care, my friends. 


Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Hello dear friends,

Should you wish to try a novel way of still retaining your social-distancing while at the same time gain the satisfaction and feeling of well-being, then here’s a great way of ensuring you don’t miss out without treating yourself to a “hug” or two.

(The following article is from National Seniors Australia newsletter received this week. Quoted verbatim.)


While Australians are getting through the COVID-19 lockdown by using technology to hook up, panic buy and home school, Iceland's forestry service has come up with a novel way to overcome the people’s sense of isolation.

They have opened up their forests so people can hug the trees and in the words of a senior ranger “get the energy from [them].”

Top tips
And yes, some hugs are better than others.

"It's good to close your eyes while hugging a tree. I press my cheek against it and feel the warmth and currents flowing from the tree into me... it starts in your toes, runs up your legs and through your body into your brain. You get such a good relaxing feeling that are ready for a new day and new challenges," the Ranger says. 

Don't rush
They’re a thoughtful lot, these Icelanders. The Rangers have cut paths through the forest snow at Hallormsstadur so people can get close to the trees, and the paths are, of course, wide enough for people to keep the two-metre distance.

For us in Australia it might be good to check your tree first before leaning in for a hug to ensure there are no stinging ants, spiders or anything else that may detract from the experience.

EDITOR'S NOTE: So if you see people rushing through our streets to choose the tree they wish to hug, give a moments thought to the poor old trees. To have been ignored for hundreds of years, and now to be the subject of “love” and “hugs”. Well ..... just goes to show, how the world can change in the blink of an eye!

COMPASS” - Last Sunday 17th May 2020, on the ABC
My friend Bill Crews and his Exodus Foundation at the Ashfield Uniting Church in Ashfield, New South Wales, was the subject of the Compass show last Sunday evening at 6.30 p.m.,, depicting how Exodus had adapted to the countless restrictions brought upon them by the Covid19 pandemic.

As with numerous other agencies and organisations, Exodus was faced with having to close down, thus putting thousands of homeless and poor Sydney citizens at risk, not only of no longer having meals, but also the risk of contracting the virus. Exodus is not just one or two people who are dispensing welfare; it has hundreds of people involved in one way or another. It is an organisation that protects the people who come into its sphere. Caring, sharing, giving, loving.

With social distancing and people having to isolate, the Ashfield church had to close its doors from their weekly services. So Bill took the service out-doors so that people wouldn’t miss out on their spiritual needs. Then the restrictions became stronger, and social distancing ultimately meant they could not provide the church service in the grounds. So Bill did what he always does. Thinks outside of the square. He began to send his parishioners emailed (those who have computers and emails) programmes for each Sunday’s service. And this included the You-tube “messages”.

As far as caring for the homeless and destitute, it looked as though the whole project would collapse. Exodus provides a shower; endeavours to give some of their “people” housing; somewhere where they can do such a simple thing as charge their phone. And that’s the only start of things.

Submissions were made to the government to have Exodus proclaimed an “essential service”. This was denied. At first. But Bill and his crew don’t give in that easily, and so a further submission was made, as restrictions became more severe.

They have a team of people who check each person’s temperature; provide meals; provide counselling. And the night-time Van that goes to Wooloomooloo 364 nights a year (the only exception being New Year’s Eve), takes hot meals to those people in that area. And it’s when the viewer sees the queues of people who all need a warm meal, that we who are fortunate in having warm clothes, a warm meal, in a warm room, realise just what life is like outside of our room. People who are cold, people who are hungry. People who have no money. People who have no home. People who are at risk - physically and emotionally. And then there’s the damned coronavirus to contend with.

That’s just a little of the story that was shown on the ABC last Sunday night. If you did not catch this on TV, then take a few minutes and watch it. It will open your eyes.

From Christine, Sydney, New South Wales
“Cafe’s are open and I see numbers of people shopping and wandering about munching fingers to mouth, and back to wandering and shopping. So suspect the next wave of virus will be created by folk who forget the necessity of personal hygiene. Until observing this I had not used sanitiser and gloves in my bag BUT instinct pushes me to begin now! Maybe it was just the supermarket but coughing and sneezing without plunging head into elbow seems forgotten .... we are a very strange species."

As my readers know from old, I’m very strong on sharing information - especially when it is important information. When speaking with some of my friends most of whom are in their 80s (although I’m proud to say I count many others in their early 50s and 60s as my loyal readers), there seems to be a bit of confusion as to the symptoms of this virulent disease. Here’s a rundown for you.

Most common symptoms 
* fever
* dry cough
* tiredness

Less common symptoms * aches and pains
* sore throat
* diarrhoea

* conjunctivitis
* headache
* loss of taste or smell
* a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes

Serious symptoms
* difficulty breathing or shortness of breath * chest pain or pressure
* loss of speech or movement

Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.

People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home. On average it takes 5-6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms o show, however it can take up to 14 days.

Fondest regards